Monday, April 1, 2019
English Pronunciation And Accent For Students English Language Essay
side of meat Pronunciation And Accent For Students position oral communication Es placeThe Language has three basic constituents Sound, structure and vocabulary. The main problem of diction erudition is to master its live system, to reckon the streams of dialect, to hear the distinctive articulate features and to near their production .AccuracyOf go away, cycles/second of innovation, structural forms and arrangement in spite of appearance a control range of expression must be learnd commencement ceremony in the depression place the opposite linguistic aspect of the language. Correct pronunciation im regions clarity to the speech and decline tone. It defends the language more than fluent. It makes an impression on the mind of the listener. The pronunciation has to be detectt through constant and sustained practices. This section provides the antithetical secures and practices to master the side pronunciation.Received PronunciTION worry solely languages Eng lish has wide variation in its pronunciation. The variation is especially salient in English because the language is intercommunicate over such(prenominal) a wide territory, being the predominant language in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States, South Africa and India. Although thither ar many dialects of English, the Received Pronunciation is usually used as the standard accent.To learn the exact pronunciation of the invents in English language we need to first identify the different speech, sounds in English language. There be 44 sounds in English language and they ar divided into vowels sounds and concordant sounds. There are 20 vowels and 24 consonants. The vowels sounds are further classified into Monophthongs and diphthongs. Monophthongs are any short or want.vowel sound SOUNDA vowel sound is produced by the free rise of air. During the articulation of vowel sound,the active articulator is raised towards the passive articul ator in such a way that there is a sufficient gap amidst the cardinal for air to escape through the mouth without friction. For example when we distinguish True the air escapes freely and continuously without any friction.To begin with we first focus on the vowel sound. The vowel sound is the heart and soul of the word.No word can exist without it.The consonant sound is the marginal element. It appears either before of after the nucleus. The Consonant sound at the beginning of the nucleus is called the releasing consonant and the one at the end is called the arresting consonant for egg. PICK pik p is known as the releasing consonant. grammatical cases of short vowels // in kit and mirror, // in put, /e/ in dress and merry, // in strut and curry, // in trap and marry, // in lot and orange, // in ago and sofa.Examples of yen vowels /i/ in fleece, /u/ in goose, // in nurse, // in due north and thought, // in father and start.RPs long vowels are slightly diphthongised. Especially the lavishly vowels /i/ and /u/ which are often narrowly transcribed in phonetic literature as diphthongs i and u.Long and short are sexual relation to each other. Because of phonological process affecting vowel length, short vowels in one context can be longer than long vowels in a nonher context.In addition to such length distinctions, un accented vowels are both shorter and more centralized than stressed ones. In unstressed syllables occurring before vowels and in final position, contrasts in the midst of long and short high vowels are neutralized and short i and u occur. harmonised SOUNDA consonant sound may be outlined as a speech sound that is produced with stoppage of air. For Ex ample when we narrate the word CUP to pass judgment the initial /k/ and the final /p/the voice or let loose is particularly hindered by the tongue teeth, lip or other electronic organ of articulation. The consonant sounds are classified according to the nature of the constrictions plosives fr iction, affricated , and lateral consonants.The sound of the language is known as phonemes. Phoneme is a minimal,distinctive, functional unit of the sound system of a language.Phonetics is the science of speech sounds, their production,transmission and reception, It studies the medium of mouth language. To learn the pronunciation and improve spoken Phonetic transcription.It may be defined as a way of introduceing speech sounds through types. A phonemic symbol represents each English sound. It is of import to learn the phonemic symbol to acquire the accurate pronunciation because these symbols help to recognise the sound good. noesis of these symbols is useful while referring a Dictionary. It helps to know the pronunciation of the word.PHONETIC written textIt may be defined as a way of representing speech sounds through symbols. A phonemic symbol represents each English sound. To acquire the exact pronunciation it is important to learn phonemic transcription. This helps to ide ntify the sounds easily .Knowledge of these symbols is useful while referring to a dictionary. The table below contains the list of these pronunciation symbolsVOWELSPHONEMIC SYMBOLSMonophthongsFrontCentralBacklongshortlongshortlongshortCloseiu middleeOpenEXAMPLESSymbols lyric/e/ bet, let, men/i/ sit, lit, touch// hot, shot , pot// hut, but, nut/ / bat, mat, sat/u/ would, could, should/ / ago, aloud, to the highest degreeDIPHTHONGSSYMBOLS EXAMPLESDiphthongExampleClosing/e//be/Bay cake, lake, play/a//ba/buy///b/boy///b/beau/a//ba/boughCentring///b/beer/e//be/bear///b/boorCONSONANT SYMBOLSConsonant phonemes of Received PronunciationBilabialLabio-dentalDental dentalPost-alveolarPalatalVelarGlottalNasalmnPlosivepbtdkgAffricatetdFricativefvszhApproximantjwLaterallNasals and liquids may be syllabic in unstressed syllables.// is more often a weak dental plosive the sequence /n/ is often complete as nn./h/ becomes surrounded by voiced sounds.// is postalveolar unless devoicing results in a voiceless fricative articulation (see below)./l/ is velarized in the syllable coda.Unless preceded by /s/, fortis plosives (/p/, /t/, and /k/) are aspirated before stressed vowels when a sonorant /l/, //, /w/, or /j/ follows, this aspiration is indicated by overtone devoicing of the sonorant.Syllable final /p/, /t/, /t/, and /k/ are preceded by a glottal stop /t/ may be full replaced by a glottal stop, especially before a syllabic nasal (button bn).SYMBOLS EXAMPLES/P/ Pin, pick/b/ but, cup/t/ tin, stick/d/ bud , doll/k/ could, cake/g/ girl, mug/ t / church, chew/ d / jug, judge/f/ graph, immediate/v/ weaken, vary/ / theory, earth/ / mother, further/s/ sea, ask/z/ zero, design/ / ash, shift/ / garage, pleasure/m/ machine, charm/n/ nature, natural/ / ring, king/h/ hymn, harp/l/ life, style/l//r/ rose, correct/w/ water, work,/j/ yes, youDUALITY OF LETTERS AND SOUNDSDuality of letter and sounds mean that there is no one to one correspondence between letters and sounds in English. Different letters may represent different sounds .Following table gives example of terminology where different letters represent the said(prenominal) sound./s/ see, censor, miss/SH/ chef, mention, passion/z/ zoo, season/k/ kill, sick, chemistry/ ee/ refer, deal, physique/ oo/ movie, soup, true/AH/ market, fast, aunt, heartACCENT word striving in EnglishWord stress is the key to understand spoken English. In English, we do non say each syllable with the similar force or strength. In one word, we accentuate ONE syllable. We say one syllable very loudly (big, strong, important) and all the other syllables very quietly for example if we say photograph, photographer and photographic. They do not sound kindred because we accentuate (stress) ONE syllable in each word. And it is not always the equivalent syllable. So the shape of each word is different.shape nativesyllablesstressedsyllablePHOTOGRAPH31PHO TOGRAPHER42PHOTO GRAPHIC43This happens in all linguistic process wit h two or more syllables TEACHer, JaPAN, CHINa, aBOVE, converSAtion, INteresting, imPORtant, deMAND, etCETera, etCETera, etCETeraThe syllables that are not stressed are weak or small or quiet. primeval speakers of English listen for the STRESSED syllables, not the weak syllables. If you use word stress in your speech, you will instantly and automatically improve your pronunciation and comprehensionThere are two very important rules about word stressOne word, one stress. (One word cannot have two stresses. So if you hear two stresses, you have heard two dustup, not one word.)The stress is always on a vowel.The stress in English language can be learned by audition to engish news on radio or television. This serves as a good practice exercise to learn the right stress pattern.Sentence sift in EnglishSentence stress is the music of spoken English. Like word stress, sentence stress can help you to understand spoken English, especially when spoken fast.Sentence stress is what gives Eng lish its rhythm or beat. You remember that word stress is accent on one syllable within a word. Sentence stress is accent on certain haggling within a sentence. close to sentences have two types of word meat wordsstructure wordsContent words are the key words of a sentence. They are the important words that carry the moment or sense. social organization words are not very important words. They are small, simple words that make the sentence correct grammatically. They give the sentence its correct form or structure.If you remove the structure words from a sentence, you will probably still understand the sentence.If you remove the heart and soul words from a sentence, you will not understand the sentence. The sentence has no sense or meaning.Imagine that you receive this telegram message pull up stakesyou tell onmeCARbecauseIm departedtoFRANCEThis sentence is not complete. It is not a grammatically correct sentence. But you probably understand it. These 4 words communicate very wel l. Somebody wants you to sell their car for them because they have gone to France. We can add a few wordsWillyouSELLmyCARbecauseIveGONEtoFRANCEThe new words do not in reality add any more information. But they make the message more correct grammatically. We can add even more words to make one complete, grammatically correct sentence. But the information is basically the sameContent WordsWillyouSELLmyCARbecauseIveGONEtoFRANCE.Structure WordsWhy is this important for pronunciation? It is important because it adds music to the language. It is the rhythm of the English language. It changes the speed at which we speak (and listen to) the language. The conviction between each stressed word is the same.In our sentence, there is 1 syllable between SELL and CAR and 3 syllables between CAR and GONE. But the time (t) between SELL and CAR and between CAR and GONE is the same. We halt a constant beat on the stressed words. To do this, we say my more slowly, and because Ive more quickly. We c hange the speed of the small structure words so that the rhythm of the key content words stays the same.syllables2131WillyouSELLmyCARbecauseIveGONEtoFRANCE.t1beatt1beatt1beatt1beatImportant rules of word stress1 Stress on first syllableruleexampleMost 2-syllable nounsPRESent, EXport, CHIna, TAbleMost 2-syllable adjectivesPRESent, SLENder, CLEVer, HAPpy2 Stress on closing curtain syllableruleexampleMost 2-syllable verbsto preSENT, to exPORT, to deCIDE, to beGIN3 Stress on penultimate syllable (penultimate = second from end)ruleexampleWords ending in -icGRAPHic, geoGRAPHic, geoLOGicWords ending in -sion and -tionteleVIsion, reveLAtion4 Stress on ante-penultimate syllable (ante-penultimate = third from end)ruleexampleWords ending in -cy, -ty, -phy and -gydeMOcracy, dependaBIlity, phoTOgraphy, geOLogyWords ending in -alCRItical, geoLOGical5 Compound words (words with two parts)ruleexampleFor compound nouns, the stress is on the first partBLACKbird, GREENhouseFor compound adjectives, th e stress is on the second partbad-TEMpered, old-FASHionedFor compound verbs, the stress is on the second partto underSTAND, to barrage
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