Tuesday, April 30, 2019

MIDDLE RANGE NURSING THEORY Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

MIDDLE RANGE NURSING THEORY - Research Paper ExampleIn the resembling way, it is necessary for nurses to understand the different notions of nursing strategies and various psychological and philosophical aspects of quality nursing cargon. hypothetic frameworks including pose range theories clearly find out the nursing standards for the modern world. This paper will provide an overview of the concept and evolution of Middle Range Theories of Nursing and their applicability in todays healthcare scenario. Concepts theme and Development Middle range theories are precise and moderate, and possess limited soma of variables hence, they effectively define nursing care standards. To be specific, middle range theories can be effectively applied in the field of nursing research and fare as their practicality can be directly tested. To define, mid-range theories stand center(prenominal) amidst the all encompassing global grand theories that address the entire discipline and hypotheses and theories that are real specific to a particular phenomenon or population (Lenz, 2006, n.p). As compared to grand theories, Middle range theories are more concrete and narrow. To illustrate, they are written relatively at specific level with limited number of propositions and ideas. Theory of Human Caring (Watson), Theory of Interpersonal transaction (Peplau), and Theory of the Deliberative Nursing help (Orlando) are some of the well known middle range nursing theories. With call for to the progress of middle range theories, they are based on the results derived from practice and research that can provide clear statement for casual practice and intellectual practice in the discipline further. The past century witnessed a storied level of progress in the middle range theories. Except a few, most of the middle-range theories have add together directly from clinicians experience. The middle-range theory helps to mark certain condition of the related signs and future approach for symptom wariness in caring patients. The theory also emphasis on the result of various expressions or conditions with regard to the patients performance, and encourages the clear evaluation of patients working outcomes. Lieher and Smith (1999), has listed the relationship amidst the intellectual process and the source of content related to the development of middle-range theories they include Inductive theory-building theory by dint of practice, Deductive theory. Building from grand nursing theories, Combining existing nursing and non-nursing theories, and Developing theories from clinical practice guidelines (Source Approaches for generating middle range theory. Para. 1. As cited Peterson & Bredow, 2009, in p. 31). Middle range theories are of mainly three types Middle-range descriptive theories, Middle-range predictive theories, and Middle-range explanatory theories. These variations could be analyzed on the basis of their characteristics and with most relevant examples. A mong these, Middle-range descriptive theories normally encompass only a single main concept to classify a phenomenon. While doing so, it only lists the generalities observed in individuals and groups, and these theories are normally tested by means of descriptive research. The interpersonal Relations (Peplau, 1952) is an example of a middle-range descriptive theory. Peplaus theory focused on the therapeutic relationship between the nurse and the patient, which is termed as the Nurse-Client Relationship. In contrast, Middle-range expl

Monday, April 29, 2019

Risk of Expropriation Involved in Pakistan Essay

Risk of Expropriation Involved in Pakistan - Essay ExampleIts relationships with the India are not good whereas the underway stead in Afghanistan and future political risks twisting in Iran can also increase the boilers suit risk involved in the country. The political risk is on the higher side because it neighbors the violent Afghanistan. unconnected from that it has also a history of Nationalization process under which private businesses were nationalized during 1970s. Apart from that a unconvincing political system in the country poses a greater risk to the foreign firms considering investing into the country.Pakistan has traditionally been an agriculture based country with most of the GDP coming from this domain. On industrial front, the country has a sound textile manufacturing base however after the emergence of WTO country is facing difficulties in guardianship its traditional superiority in terms of textile exports as the neighboring countries of Bangladesh, China as easy as India are offering much cheaper prices as compared to Pakistan in International Markets.Pakistans advantages include relatively broken wages - amounting to as little as half the level of salaries in India - as well as reasonable real estate costs, plentiful government incentives and a readily available supply of role player(Thibodeau,2007).The textile sector exports break been stagnant for the past five years. Exports have oscillated between US $4.5 - 5.5 billion. US $5 billion has been a psychological barrier for the textile industry of Pakistan.(SMEDA, 2005). Investment into Textile sector of the country therefore is a very lucrative option however there are risks involved in it also.Where does the Risk Come From in that location are various sources of Risks in this country. The Law and Order situation is one very critical risk which companies looking to work in the country may have to face however the risk of expropriation comes from the Government itself. The mount ing pressures on the economy as well as having a history of nationalization, the government of Pakistan seems to be the biggest source of risk for companies willing to work and invest into the country. There are different reasons for that. The general attitude of the public in country is not so in favor of the external players working in the market therefore social pressures on the government may force them to take actions such as expropriation that may not serve the interests of the companies willing to work in the country.(ADB,2001)Further to that Textile market in Pakistan is really going through a bad spotting as neighboring countries have almost captured the market which was once the traditional markets for Pakistan. This lost space may further create pressures on the government to protect the local industry and do not abandon foreign investors to consolidate themselves.Further, Pakistan is a key ally of US in its war on terrorist act and the situation in Afghanistan and its tribal areas may provide US a credible opportunity to sneak in into Pakistan also. Further many believe that changing priorities of the US government could further deteriorate the risk write of the country.(Rogers,2006)Thus the sources of the risks are multiple in nature as not only emerge

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Journal Opinion Article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Journal Opinion Article - Essay ExampleEnergy Information office 1). It was evident therefore that the forecasted decline was pinpointed to lesser consumption. The advisory crimson state that there was an increase in the galvanic prices of as much as 2% which, if the expected milder temperatures would turn out to be unsuccessful then, consumers would actually expect a higher average voltaic rate.It is just interesting to note that whole in a country like the U.S. could it be possible to expect a decline in electric touchstones during summertime months. In other Asian countries, for instance, it has been evident that during summer months, consumers are already expecting great financial stress due to increases in place of electricity. It is traditionally asserted that electric delivery rates do not change in the summer however, your bill may rise in summer due to higher consumption (Oncor par. 1). And the sources of potential increases in consumption include (1) vacation from school puts children at home most of the time during summer and therefore, expect to use more television, personal computers, and other electric gadgets (2) due to obviously higher temperature than cool months, air-conditioning or other ventilation units are turned on longer (3) since more people are consuming more on electricity through the noted consumption patterns, the cost of fuel (depending on demand and supply) could likewise be affected.As such, although there could be some valid points in the report written by Morath, when the basis of comparison for electric bill rates were the three consecutive summers that were deemed hotter one is convinced that overall, consumers could still expect some increases in their electric bill due to the reasons enumerated above that could affect consumption usage in conjunction with the announced 2% increase in the average prices of electricity, as announced. Early announcement of an impending decline might even spur consumption levels to gr eater heights and consumers might

Saturday, April 27, 2019

How I Came to be an Engligh Major Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

How I Came to be an Engligh Major - Essay Example further some things never change, like the timeless principles of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and genus Benzoin Franklin, who stress the importance of adhering to scriptural precepts when communicating ones mess come along an ideal that I especially appreciate as an ordained minister. I chose my major in order to truly make a difference in the room information is relayed to society, and a schoolchild who aspires to a career in public relations or broadcasting, I believe that I piddle taken the first step toward improving the communications field so that will work to illuminate society not tear it down. As an ordained minister, I have an acute awareness of how significant it is to accurately communicate the truth in order to have an utile ministry, and this extends into my career ambitions to excel in public relations or broadcasting. It is readily seen throughout the media that audiences desperately desire honest and objecti ve inform grounded in the truth. If people wanted a fictional spin, they would resort to fiction literature or former(a) forms of entertainment such as the box office or prime time television. But in todays information craze, highlighted by Facebook, Twitter, reality TV, and talk shows, people want to know the vent truth most events and one another. And the demand for the communicators of this information is growing exponentially. The decision to become an English or Communications major puts one at the center of this frenzy that insatiably yearns for intimate information nigh the world. Anchoring my education in a degree that strengthens my communication skills and equips me to effectively and objectively report to readers, listeners, or viewers ? who want to cut through the chase and get the unembellished and accurate information they need ? is of the essence. But this objective is not just a modern convention, as one of our nations founders, Benjamin Franklin, also recognized the need for integrity when communicating with others more than two centuries ago when he wrote about the virtue of sincerity, Use no hurtful Deceit. Think innocently and justly and, if you speak, speak accordingly, (DiYanni 231). Even though the truth may hurt, people like to hear it told like it is, and Franklin bases this on a timeless biblical principle, Kings take pleasure in honest lips they value a man who speaks the truth, (The NIV Study Bible, Prov. 16.13). Regardless of the way Hollywood glorifies using deceit to get ones way, the conscience of people ultimately directs them to seek and honor truth over lies. One of the allures to the viral intrigue of social media sites is the honesty and uncensored convention from which people are allowed to indulge, without having to adjust their lingo to political biases or other climates that stifle ones free expression in the real world. This is why we are seeing a new age of news media, with many independent bloggers and reporter s from localities that report on people and events without being filtered by bureaucracies or phoner politics. By making the decision to major in a field that puts an emphasis on effective and objective communication, I feel that I am one step ahead in a society that is putting a high demand on objective, truthful, and accurate reporting. I also chose to centralize on English and Communications in my major

Friday, April 26, 2019

Write a position paper for President Assad of Syria on the curent Essay

Write a position paper for President Assad of Syria on the curent foreign policy dilemmas facing his country, setting out at least three viable policy options for the future - Essay ExampleWhat are the major foreign policy issues facing Syria today? As with all of our neighbors, the American decision to invade Iraq and overthrow a fellow Baathist regime in Iraq has presented a mannikin of new challenges. Contending with a pro-American regime in Iraq is something which we begin had to understand since 2004 and this represents an great foreign policy challenge. Lebanon, a neighbor and Arab brotherly state, has recently asserted its independence in regional and domestic affairs and the result has been a lessening of Syrian influence in the region. The invasion of Iraq and the cheek of a pro-US government in that country has had a variety of regional ramifications. Finally, the constant belligerent kind with Israel remains one of the most protracted foreign policy issues facing Syr ia today (Bloom, 2005 Zubaida, 2002).As I see it, there are three major policy options for Syria in the short to long-term. The first relates to Lebanon and the decrease influence of Syria in this country. While we continue to exert influence in Lebanon through a variety of proxy sources as well as through the Hezbollah Resistance Movement, Syria must maintain its regional supremacy through an active Lebanon policy which ensures that Lebanon remains pliant to the wishes of its Syrian neighbor and remains decidedly pro-Arab in its inclinations as opposed to pro-Western. This will be a challenge to maintain in a new 21st century in which national assertiveness is expressed in Beirut precisely we must continue to maintain a foothold in Lebanon in order to remain effective. some other important policy option encompasses our relationship with the United States and its aggressive foreign policy in the snapper East. American aggression in Israel is threatening to Syria but after years of isolation we may have little choice but to warm

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Michigan agricultural college a dream fullfiled Essay

Michigan agricultural college a dream fullfiled - Essay ExampleIn 1850, the state constitutional convention called for the foundation of an Agricultural naturalize to a lower place the provision of Article 13, Section 11 the Morrill Act enacted under Abraham Lincolns administration. Interestingly, it was initial suggested that this Agricultural School would be comparisont of the University of Michigan. In fact, then-president Henry Tappan lobbied for this school to be built in UMs own Ann Arbor. However, John C. Holmes of the Michigan State Agricultural Society opposed this, on the kingdom that the schools students may end up being neglected by UM. Luckily for him, then-Michigan regulator Kingsley S. Bingham saw things his way, mandating a bill commissioning the establishment of what was then called the Agricultural College of the State of Michigan. Eleven years later would be a moment in history for the school it saw its first smokestack of graduates, as well as the Michiga n Legislature that allowed it to offer four-year curriculum courses and grant degrees on par with more established universities.The beginnings of the Agricultural College were surprisingly humble. Under its first president, Joseph Williams, a member of Harvards Phi genus Beta Kappa in addition to being both an accomplished farmer and attorney, it started out with only three buildings and five-spot professors, as well as a student body of 63. Luckily, Williams made the best of the situation, hiring a legion of competent professors in the colleges first year. These professors then proceeded to set up sophisticated science laboratories in its College Hall, complete with equipment such as microscopes which were then thought to be state-of-the-art. Needless to say, Michigan Agricultural College flourished under President Williamss tenure even relatively early on in its existence, it boasted a simple array of theoretical and practical academics.The Michigan state legislature passed a bi ll in 1855, which

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Historical Milestones in Production and Operations Management Essay

Historical Milestones in Production and trading operations Management - Essay ExampleWhile the process involved may vary from administration to organization depending on the nature of output be it tangible product or intangible service, the essential elements of issue and operation management is concerned with the management of input-throughput-output process effectively and efficiently Operation Management can, therefore, be defined as the management of the conversion process, which converts land, labor, capital and management inputs in to desired outputs of comfortablys and services. The furtherance of terms used for this management function over the centuries as manufacturing management, production management, and operations management, is a good indication of the evolution process it has undergone and the historical milestones it has achieved which will be the focus of evaluation in this essay. The origins of operations management can be traced to the Industrial Revolution e ra which began in the 1700s in England. The main features of the changes which took piazza during this era were the Centralized production, Powered machinery, and concept of Factory production. One of the landmark achievements of this era was the steam locomotive being invented by James Watt in 1764, which provided a new source of energy to force the factory concept. Another key milestone which revolutionized the discipline was the 1776 publication of Adam Smiths germinal work known commonly as The Wealth of Nations which proposed the economic benefits associated with specialization of labor. His recommendation was that work should be broken down to subtasks, and assigned to workers where they became specialized in performing this tasks with efficiency through repetitive performance. As the industrial revolution gained momentum and spread to other parts of the world, Eli Whitney from America developed the concept of symmetrical parts in 1970, laying the foundation for volume pro ductions and standardized parts and the inception of large-scale factories in industries such as textile. By the mid-1800s, the traditional manufacturing systems associated with cottage and artisan productions was completely replaced by factory systems which as well as brought in new challenges such as managing the workforce and management of quality issues.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Adrenoceptors and sympathomemtics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Adrenoceptors and sympathomemtics - Essay ExampleIn the vascular and smooth muscle cell, the alpha-2 adrenergic receptors be located in the postsynaptic terminal. Most of 1-adrenoceptors activation are linked to excitation of postsynaptic target -2-adrenoceptors usually activates the Gi inhibitory protein that in turn decreases cAMP. The inhibitory function of alpha-2 adrenergic receptors is vital negative feedback system to oblige of the discharge of presynaptic nerve terminals noradrenaline. These prevent prolonged activation of the effector organs such(prenominal) as male sex organs, eyes and veins (Bryant, Knights and Salerno, 2010, p. 209). These alpha-adrenergic receptors usually control the vasoconstriction of arterioles in skin, pupil dilation, gut loosening and smooth muscle relaxation in the prostrate and bladder neck.Classification of beta-adrenergic receptors into 1, 2 and 3 considers their chemical attr work on to agonist or antagonist. Location of site that recognis es agonist and antagonist is in the portion of receptor that is membrane-bound. dissemination of Beta-adrenergic receptors is in various tissues. Beeta-1 is in the heart, beta-2 in the smooth muscle and beta-3 in adipocytes cell membrane (Bryant, Knights and Salerno, 2010, p. 210). totally of the beta-adrenergic receptors lead to activation of adenylyl cyclase in which the agonists leads to formation of cAMP from ATP. Activation these receptors leads to increase heart beat rate, relaxed bronchus and uterine and vasoconstriction of arterioles supplying blood to skeletal muscle.Sympathomimetic drugs are those designed to act similarly care adrenaline or noradrenaline by their action on adrenoceptors and act in sympathetic arousal of the system (Bertram and Anthony, 2009, p. 128). The classification of these drugs as direct or indirect agonist depends on their mode of action in stimulation of the neural

Monday, April 22, 2019

Design and Technology Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Design and Technology - Lab Report ExampleLastly, DFA index is in truth unfavorable forum efficiency indicator of the component design.This value is directly proportional to the design efficiency. Pneumatic plunger design avail is shown in figure 3 where assembly efficiency was used.Figure 1 above shows the pneumatic piston original design.Furthermore, the attached worksheet corresponds to the subassembly and it is observed that the design efficiency is 29 percent( figure 2). The applied DFA method acting might be extended to a high-speed robot and automatic assembly. It has been found to be very critical majorly in situation redesigning whereby the operational times detailed knowledge is well known or it could be calculated for the given product(Pugh 1991).In addition to this DFA technique explored in detail, other techniques of assembly evaluation do come through and include Lucas and AEM DFA methods.SummaryIn summary, assembly efficiency is considered to be a very critical re spect or index in the DFA technique. It can be employed in the evaluation of product assembly and it determines whether the design can facilitate the assembly of the product with the aim of providing a foundation for the effective improvement of the designFigure 2 show s the redesigned pneumatic piston and it is with the worksheet that corresponds to the subassembly. When the worksheet of the original design and upstart design are compared, it is evident that in the new design, the assembly efficiency increased by 90 percent where the original design had 27 percent, assembly efficiency.

Paisley Patterns Recommendation Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Paisley Patterns Recommendation Report - Essay Examplehnology to tralatitious business and administrative activities has introduced substantial return and facilities that have given the business a new life. E-commerce gives buyers and sellers a modern and street smart environment or methods of communication and offers an opportunity to generate new marketplaces. In greens it is recommended that the development of E-commerce outcomes in higher firm efficiency and competence as a consequence of level search and act expenses (Kotler, 1997). The internet is swiftly becoming the engine room of preference for electronic commerce for the discernment that, it presents or allows businesses an even trouble-free method to connect with other businesses and individuals at a very meek expenditure (Martin Verwijmeren, 1996). At the present time, Web sites are accessible to consumers 24 hours a day. Modern and up-to-date marketing and sales methods can be fashioned. Managing transactions ele ctronically can diminish the costs of transaction as well as release time for some goods, particularly those that are entirely digital (for instance software, text products, images, and videos etc.) (Laudon & Laudon 1999, p.306) Paisley Patterns business is presently operating with the wholesale cotton fabrics, primarily through a travelling sales force. By viewing the potential business enhancements and for getting the maximum market role Paisley Patterns business has decided to implement a web base system for the handling of online business and extending the ground of business. This analytical and research based report is about the detailed analysis of the Paisley Patterns business web based system implementation. This report willing provide a deep insight into the overall new technology system implementation and potential enhancements in business working. In this report, I will analyze the briny working areas and division those will require some type of transformations. This analysis based report will also present a deep and

Sunday, April 21, 2019

The Key Providers In Travel And Tourism Industry Essay

The delineate Providers In Travel And Tourism Industry - Essay ExampleInternationally renowned vehicle letting agencies like Avis, Hertz, Thrifty, Dollar, National, Enterprise and Budget can be found at or near either major airport in the world. Passengers arriving on various airline flights arrange to rent vehicles from these agencies for the duration of their stoppage in the city or cities of that country. Such vehicle rental offices are staffed round the clock by well-trained staff and provide quality customer service. Many authorized points are considered by passengers before they guide a suitable car rental agency such as Does the agency have a good customer service record? Does it credit frequent flyer or frequent node programs with points? Does it carry the type of cars that the passenger likes to drive such as a new, used Ford, G.M and luxury or specialty vehicle? Does it have agreements with hotel chains, airlines and credit card companies that could save the passeng er money in these areas? Does it house a Premium Club where a passenger can sign up all rental information like rental preferences, decisions on insurance coverage and fuel replacement - in produce to shorten or eliminate the time spent at the counter? The airlines and transport providers are unendingly linked and depend on each other to the airline, the vehicle rental agencies are important as they provide reliable, crucially needed services to the passengers who travel on their aircraft to the vehicle rental agencies, the airlines are important as they provide business to them in the form of passengers

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Political Science Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Political light Paper - Essay ExampleThey all(prenominal) came up with different views concerning semipolitical authority. Hobbes back up complete monarchy Locke supported natural rights and Rousseau spoke of joint self-government in the name of the general will (Cohen and Fermon, p 281). This constitution will discuss the social pack together of Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, and Burke giving a clear understanding of charitable nature as viewed by the four philosophers and explaining whether the philosophers think that the congress is a broken branch. motion 1 A social contract of Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, and Burke Thomas Hobbes Thomas Hobbes wrote that, in the absence of political law and order, human life would result to be solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short lived (Cohen and Fermon, p 205). This would give all individuals fundamentally the right to everything, and thus the freedom to murder, sexual assault and theft. Thomas Hobbes came up with the social contract whereby i ndividuals came together and surrendered some of their individual rights so that others would relinquish theirs. It meant that an individual Y would give up on their right to kill for another individual Z to live. This resulted in the setting up of a state, an free-living body which would create laws to control social interactions. Hobbes preferred a monarchy system. This meant that human life was thus no longer a warfare but peace towards all (Cohen and Fermon, p 206). John Locke John Lockes predilection of the social contract was different from Hobbes in several deep ways. It retained only the central caprice that individuals at heart a state of nature would come together to form a state (Cohen and Fermon, p 243). Locke wrote that integrity linked people together in a state of nature, by The Law of Nature. They could not bring harm to one another in their lives or belongings. He stated that without the government to treasure them against those looking to wound or enchain them individuals would not be secured in their rights and freedoms. They would survive in panic. Locke quarreled that individuals would be in agreement to create a state that provided room for a government which would protect their lives, independence, and possessions of those who existed within it (Cohen and Fermon, p 244). Jean-Jacques Rousseau Rousseaus political theory differs in vital ways from that of Hobbes and Lockes. Rousseaus theory of socialism stands out in his development of the luminous conception of the general will (Cohen and Fermon, p 2). In his easy of the social contract, he said that it was the foundation of political rights based upon unlimited popular dominion. Rousseau argued that liberty would only be achieved where at that place was direct rule by the citizens as a whole in lawmaking. This was because of the popularity of sovereignty being infixed and absolute. Rousseau also maintained that the individuals were not familiar with their real will, plus that an a ccurate society would not be born until a prominent leader arose to create new standards and ways of the individuals, he thought that this would be best achieved if a planned use of religion would be introduced. He termed the consummate leader as the Legislator (Cohen and Fermon, p 280). Edmund Burke Burke unlike Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau spoke against democracy. He thought though it would be want by many individuals in most regions, in his country Britain he stated that it would be incept

Friday, April 19, 2019

The Theme of Politics in Detective Fiction Essay

The Theme of Politics in Detective Fiction - strive ExampleThe Theme of Politics in Detective FictionFirst, Politics has influence on scouts ethics since they are also human beings expected to abide by the societal moral codes. The society expects investigators to face excellent morals when handling criminal matters because peoples lives depend on the outcome. Whereas morals may differ from one culture to another, there is single moral that binds all the happenings of society that is, the goal of doing sound to another person. However, political influence on detective characters may alter the moral thinking with which they run their duties. In fact, Dey brings forward, through the tales, the moral, political, and epistemological queries through the rationalistic and surveillance interpretations of detectives (97-20). According to him, bad politics hampers detective work.Secondly, the credibility of Detective findings depends on the political atmosphere at a specific time of th e event. Harpham says that politicians take out mad at each other, only when seasons changes (122). He adds that detective work involves rubbing shoulders with the politicians in few instances (127). Depending on the nature of favors that politicians may call from the detectives, some investigation findings risk being biased. In fact, the outlook is well portrayed in Deys articles when the author shows influence of political authority on the lives of several(a) people such as Robbe-Grillet, and Agatha Christie murdered using political power (Dey 20).

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Thresher Sinking Atlantic Ocean (1963) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Thresher sink Atlantic Ocean (1963) - Essay ExampleThe disaster is also blamed on an electrical fault that saw vital pumps stop working. Known to be the worst submarine accident in U.S. history, engineers get down learnt a lot from the event. Engineers have learnt the importance of upholding standards and procedures, testing procured materials, and prioritizing safety over former(a) factors when it comes to designing and building products. Sinking of the Thresher in the Atlantic Ocean in 1963 Introduction Engineers are credited for designing diverse railcars, equipment and structures that serve to overcome certain specific problems. As they undertake their works, engineers go to great depths to see to it that whatsoever they design work as efficiently as possible. Understanding the risks that their designs may pose to the public and infrastructure, they oftentimes do a lot of calculations and incorporate safety measures wherever they can in their designs. Furthermore, they ar e tasked with choosing materials that have properties that match the functions for which they are to be used. In as much as engineers do their best to ensure that what they design and make work without failing, this is not always the case. Sometimes, engineering systems fail leading to massive losses. superstar case of failure that resulted from an engineering error is the sinking of Thresher submarine in the Atlantic Ocean. ... navy at the demeanorsmouth Naval Shipyard (Bentley, 1975). The submarine, which was at its time, the most advanced, was engaged in several sea trials in the Caribbean sea and the Atlantic Ocean between 1961 and 1962 only to prove its prowess as a war machine. The machine was so technologically advanced that it was rated the fastest and quietest submarine ever to be built in the field then, specifically dedicated to searching and destroying Soviet submarines (Bentley, 1975). Its sonar system had the capacity to detect ships and other submarines as far awa y as other submarines could not detect. Furthermore, it was installed with a highly technical weapons system which include the newest anti-submarine missile that the U.S. Navy had the SUBROC. Apart from these amazing characteristics, the Thresher could dive far below any other machine of its ilk. Having been hit by a tug that damaged its ballast tanks while moored at Port Canaveral, Florida, it was necessary for the Thresher to undergo repairs, have its systems examined and before it could be fully certified for use during operations. aft(prenominal) the submarine was finally certified to be operational, it was set to undergo routine tests on April, 9, 1963 (Bentley, 1975). Under the teaching of Lieutenant Commander John Wesley Harvey, the ship left the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Maine in the company of a hand over ship, Skylark, at 8 am. The rescue vessel accompanied the Thresher so that it could provide rescue serve to those onboard the submarine in case of any problem. The Skylark had the capacity to provide rescue services to the submarine up to a maximum depth of about 850 feet (Bentley, 1975). The submarine

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Relationship Issue on Facebook Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Relationship Issue on Facebook - Research Paper ExampleCommunication in relationships utilize to be based on letters and phone calls, and face-to-face fundamental interaction was more common, one could lone(prenominal) meet new people face to face or by introduction, say by a mutual fri death. Over the last few years, the dynamics of relationships and interactions has paradigmatically changed since thanks to modern engineering, one does not heretofore have to leave their house or home to communicate or interact with somebody. This social interaction has been enhanced and dominated by social ne bothrking sites, the leading ones being Facebook and twitter (Ayodele 2). People, especially the youth, have interpreted to social networks not only to communicate with their friends, but as make new ones. Many do relationships have also been formed and flourished online on these social networks indeed, there are those who join Facebook with the sole purport of dating and finding love. Wh ile many of these relationships become successful, there are many more which end up in heartbreak and sometimes even tragically because even criminals and stalkers use the internet to attract their victims. Therefore, it is imperative that we consider several questions, such as if Facebook poses a threat to the security of already living relationships. What motivates people to look for love in Facebook? Can Facebook be considered a realistic and practical path of starting and building relationships? This essay will focus on the last question it shall discuss, argue and conflict the appropriateness of Facebook as a facilitator for relationships by examining the issues that surround Facebook relationships. There are several issues that make Facebook a shaky setting for developing and growing relationships, one of this is the effect Facebook has on pre-existing relationships. Consider that two people are in a relationship and both happen to be friends on Facebook. unity of them wh itethorn join a group or make friends with a member of the opposite put forward who might send suggestive messages or gifts to them. Bearing in mind that the line between necessitous flirting and cheating might mean different things to different partners, a post on someones timeline may cause friction and result in the termination of a relationship (Ilana 878). In another situation, when couples that are friends on Facebook have a falling out or disagreement, one of them may update something about it on their page, and this can cause their partner to feel humiliated. Moreover, youths often use media and technology to promote sexual behavior through highly sexually suggestive messages and sometimes picture in what has been dubbed sexting (Pascoe 6). Facebook easily offers an passage for this when people are online, they are able to hide their shyness and will be bolder. This will encourage behavior such as flirting, which easily becomes serious and in some subject areas turns int o mature sexting where people send each other suggestive or even nude pictures as well up as explicit Messages. If people meet online, they are likely to engage in such military action because lack of direct contact emboldens them unfortunately, this makes deceit a common future in Facebook relationships (Ayodele 8). In case such an association was to develop in to relationship, two people may move from being friends to being on sexting terms before they have even met in person. Therefore, should they meet, they are likely to engage in sexual activity without knowing much about each other ergo risking contacting sexually transmit diseases such as HIV, AIDS, herpes and others. Facebook has been accused of spoiling relationships, especially long distance ones. This is because while Facebook offers an avenue

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Blue Ocean Strategy Essay Example for Free

lamentable Ocean Strategy EssayCompeting in overcrowded industries is no way to sustain last performance. The real opportunity is to create blue oceans of uncontested market space. Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne Included with this full-text Harvard Business Review article 70 Article Summary The Idea in outlinethe core idea The Idea in Practiceputting the idea to work 71 Blue Ocean Strategy 80 Further Reading A list of related materials, with annotations to guide supercharge exploration of the articles ideas and applications Reprint R0410D Blue Ocean Strategy The Idea in instructThe best way to drive profitable growth? Stop competing in overcrowded industries. In those red oceans, companies crusade to outperform rivals to grab bigger slices of living demand. As the space gets increasingly crowded, profit and growth prospects shrink. Products break commoditized. Ever-more-intense competition turns the water bloody. How to avoid the fray? Kim and Mau borgne recommend creating blue oceans uncontested market spaces where the competition is irrelevant. In blue oceans, you invent and capture new demand, and you offer customers a leap in appreciate plot of ground also streamlining your costs. Results?We chose to show American industries beca affair they represented the largest and leastregulated market during our study period. The pattern of blue ocean creations exempli? ed by these three industries is consistent with what we observed in the other industries in our study. harvard business review october 2004 foliate 73 Blue Ocean Strategy Key blue ocean creations Was the blue ocean created by a new Was it driven by entrant or an technology pioneering incumbent? or value pioneering? New entrant Value pioneering* (mostly existing technologies) Value pioneering (some new technologies) Value pioneering (some new technologies)At the cartridge clip of the blue ocean creation, was the industry attractive or unattractive? Unattractive A utomobiles Ford Model T Unveiled in 1908, the Model T was the ? rst mass-produced car, priced so that many Americans could afford it. GMs car for every purse and purpose GM created a blue ocean in 1924 by injecting fun and fashion into the car. Incumbent Attractive Japanese fuel-ef? cient autos Japanese automakers created a blue ocean in the mid-1970s with small, reliable lines of cars. Incumbent Unattractive Chrysler minivanWith its 1984 minivan, Chrysler created a new class of automobile that was as easy to use as a car but had the passenger space of a van. Incumbent Value pioneering (mostly existing technologies) Unattractive Computers CTRs tabulating machine In 1914, CTR created the business machine industry by simplifying, modularizing, and leasing tabulating machines. CTR later changed its establish to IBM. Incumbent Value pioneering (some new technologies) Unattractive IBM 650 electronic ready reckoner and System/360 In 1952, IBM created the business computer industry by si mplifying and reducing the power and price of existing technology.

Monday, April 15, 2019

The Ferocious creature Essay Example for Free

The Ferocious creature EssayThe Adventures of huckleberry Finn, written by Mark Twain, takes place during the nonmodern era, and revolves around a young boy, named huck. The nonmodern era was the years make up before the Civil War, so Huck was living in a dark and murky time in Ameri can History. Huck starts off by living with The Widow Douglas and her sister, Miss Watson, who is trying to civilize him or make him to be what the perfect child should look like and make him act how a perfect child should act. Huck does not want that.He just wants to live how he wants, just like most juvenility want. In the novel, Huckleberry Finn befriends a runaway slave, Jim, and his haps begin. According to Dennis Puopard, Mark Twain exposed many of the dark problems of antebellum United States. Some say Mark Twain wrote this episodic novel as a boys adventure story and that Huck is a character that children should look up to. (422) Modern readers do not butt against Huckleberry Finn as a childrens book because the book is racist, there a themes of lying, and characters object and criticize authority.Because, modern readers call in the book as improper for children The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is on the banned books list on many school in the United States. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn there are racial slurs, lies, and profanity. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not a childrens book in todays confederacy because of the prominent theme of race. The topic of race and racism is strong in todays society. If a modern American citizen uses racial slurs against another race in a hurtful way that citizen would be convicted with a vile offense.A racial slur such as the vocalise jigaboo is not tolerable todays society. The word nigger was used to belittle and dehumanize African American slaves, such as Jim, in antebellum United States. Through out the book, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, author Mark Twain includes racial slurs such as the word, n igger toward African American characters, such as Jim and other slaves. Good gracious anybody hurt? Nom. Killed a nigger. Well, its flourishing because sometimes people do get hurt.( Twain 109). This quote shows how the white society views Jim different whence themselves. They view Jim as property rather than a human with a living breathing heart. This dialoged mingled with two white characters just shows how hurtful and cruelly someone can sound just by taking. Barbra L. Jackson professor at Fordham University in New York City says, It is hard to teach The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in a diverse class because of its racial views. (63).If a college professor has a hard time teaching the book, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, to her class, how can it be easy for high school students who are studding the novel, or even young boys whom pick up the book and start reading it? Also, Barbra L. Jackson says, I always see a lack in participation, when studying the book, the stu dents do not want to read out loud, (64). The students do not feel right saying nigger out loud because they do not want to offend any of their classmates.The students agnize that the word, nigger is a taboo in modern society. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn should not be taught or read to children because of the racial slurs. The type of racial language that Mark Twain uses in the book is offensive and crude. The exposure of the racial slurs to young children would be harmful. The young children will think it is okay to say the new words they undo from reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which would get them into trouble in the future.

Thelma and Louise Essay Example for Free

Thelma and Louise EssayThis movie is talking ab step up an adventure of both women, who ar middle advance good friends and they plan to commit a sport plainly for 2 days originally. However, after the hap happened in the parking lot of a bar on their way to their destination, e actuallything went wrong and their vacation was standardized a disaster. But during their trip, they survived, they found out their way to live and found back their self-respect so I cerebrate it is a good determine as a feminism movie and thats way I choose this movie. Then permit me introduce the movie and analysis it.In the commencement of the movie, it introduces the two women main character Thelma and Louise who be all beautiful and middle aged. But Thelmas conserve who is a really male chauvinism gay, restricting his wife at radix and going out anywhere himself, shouting at his wife and keeps commanding his wife rudely. On the otherwise hand Louise is a waitress, having a boyfriend but not marry yet. I think in the late 1900s women are still oppressed by the society and men. Even though the film does not mention the era, I can bod the time easily because the social status of women is still low and equivalent to the other film North Country.After a routing insult from her save, Thelma decides to go having playfulness with Louise without her husbands permission and this is the first step that makes her find herself. When they are on the road, Thelma becomes wild, passionate and crazy and ener hurtic the likes of she is comely released from the jail. She also mentions that she feels the call of the wild. When they stop driving for fun in a bar, she is cheated by mans sweet words and dancing with him. I think because this is the very first time she expresses herself, and compared with Louise, Thelma is more innocent and reckless.So the consequence is that she is nearly to be raped. But h atomic number 53stly, what she has done? She just has some fun like anyo ne else. But the women will be raped and the men are not, from this accident I think that the social back ground very look down on women and even dont respect them at all. I think that Louise is smarter and stronger than Thelma maybe because she is a waitress, she has more chances to face the people and the society. So when something stinking happens to Thelma she arrives and saves her immediately.Accidentally, Louise shots the man dead, both her and Thelma are afraid and scared they have two choices, calling the natural law or just run away, but Louise knows that the police will not believe them so they just escape anyway. I think Louise shots the man dead because, first she had the same experiences like Thelma in the medieval and the second is that the man does not apologize instead calling them bitch. She says to that man (who states that he and Thelma are just having fun) when women cried, that does not mean they are having fun And the gun which be brought by Thelma is the ke y point of the solid film, starting their keep as the runaways. I think if they were calling the police for the dead man adept away the consequence would be different. But the raping crime has no witness except themselves and they know that no one is going to believe them. In a male chauvinism society no one will stand on their side (both law and policeman), so they choose to escape, differing from North country, the two girls do not fight against the law in the court but by running away.On the road, they come into a hot guy who is called J. D. and Thelma very likes him because he is handsome and humorous. In the same time, Louise contacts with her boyfriend, Jimmy, to get enough specie for the trip. Jimmy is one of the two kind men in this film, and no event what happen to Louise he will wait her. After getting the money, Louise asks Thelma to keep it safe however, Thelma focuses on having fun with J. D. because he is totally different from her husband. When Thelma tells Louis e how awesome he is and she left him in the room, Louise missiones to the room for the money.As expected, the money was stolen and they have nothing. Most of the men in the film are bad guys and emphasizes the feminism of this film. Thelmas spooky husband and the man who wants to rape Thelma make them want to fight against men instead of being oppressed by them. Feminism movies always need male chauvinism to contrast the awakening of women. And this trip, they call it vacation, is a wakening for them to find themselves. On their way, Thelma becomes smarter and finds her truth personality gradually.For surviving, Thelma even robs a store with her gun and I really admire her courage even though that means they have to escape from state to state. I think maybe she is more innocent than Louise and having less experience but actually she is the one hardiness to do anything. This also can be detected in the beginning of the film that she goes out with Louise without her husbands permis sion, and also can be seen when she makes a call to her husband during the trip, her husband asks her go home right away and Thelma just reply f***ing yourself.I think these behaviors cause from she just let herself get out of the constraint which restricts her soul for so long. There is another man who drives a heavy weapon car keeping annoy them on the road. He keeps saying suck my dick this kind of annoying languages, several times Louise and Thelma just ignore and overtake the gas car. At the last time they cannot stand up anymore, they stop the car and negotiate with the man, asking him apologize. Like the one they met in the bar, he just says bad languages to them.But this time the two women are not afraid of holding guns and both of them shots the gas car. They are not cowards anymore because they go through all of these chaoses and conquer them. After be chased by police for so long, in the end of the movie they are surrounded by the police army. both of them do not want to be arrested and sent back to the male society, Louise is not going to offend up and Thelma would rather keep going into the canyon than get caught, it is a decision between life and death.So in the end they just kiss each other and driving away from the police, rush into the canyon by holding hands with each other. I think this movie is a model feminism film because the main characters are two women, not men. And their changing during the trip which they called vacation is very profound. I think what makes them change is that the press and insult from man for so long, and this trip exactly makes them pick up out why they have to endure? Why they have to put up with all these things.When they figure out they have nothing to lose, they just set themselves free anyway and do whatever they want. In the end of the movie, their courage to die together instead of being caught is very impressive and makes me think what I would do if I were them. They even smile when they face the death I think they must have strong souls which fight against for them. And the death also represent that they look down on this male society, its hopeless for them to live. So they just want to keep going to the death I supposed. And I very appreciate that spirit.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Fundamental Elements of a Story Essay Example for Free

Fundamental Elements of a report EssayThis essay is going to talk about three different points What are the types of effect that the generator can leave on his readers by his composition? How important is the sources style to make his explanation introduction into his readers minds? What are the possible ways that the writer could use to make his theme noticed in his accounting? What are the Different Ways a Storys set up Affects the Readers recognition? Positive effectThe format of the story must be effective for the reader if the form of the story is well organized the readers comprehension will be come toed. The writer must organize the story elements and strain a connection between all of these elements. Negative effect The format of the story could be not effective for the reader because of unorganized story structure. The way that the writer is telling his point of view doesnt affect readers properly. In What Ways do the Style and Point of View in a Story Format Effects the Delivery of that Story?The style and the point of view are important because the writer is the story teller. When the writers point of view is cleared and detailed his story becomes effective (Story, 2007). How can the Theme be plain throughout a Storys Elements? The theme can be evident depending on how the writer includes it in the story elements. For example, according to critics Joseph Conrad in his novel Heart of Darkness showed his racist personality and disconfirming attitude towards women (Student Resources, 2008).Conclusion A story acceptance depends on the style of the author maybe almost readers will love it or hate it. The writer could write a story in 2 different ways with one 1 theme the level of acceptance will not be the same in both cases.ReferencesElements of the Short Story. (2007). Retrieved October 20, 2008, from http//www. scribblingwomen. org/elements. htm Student Resources. (2008). Retrieved October 20, 2008, from http//www. josephconradsociet y. org/student_resources. htm

Friday, April 12, 2019

Communication Is A Two Way Flow Essay Example for Free

Communication Is A Two Way Flow testifyCommunication is a two way flow of conversation where something is achieved e.g information effective communion is of the essence(predicate) in health and accessible c be because through converse which is listening and talking you can puddle a infract relationship with client. effective communication can make you understand your client emotions and feelings for practice session if a nurse is having a conversion with a patient and the nurse seem friendly , baffle positive body languages and interacting well, the patient is likely to open up to the nurse and discuss any touch on that he/she is facing, which lead to better relationship. when communicating you need to show that youre interested in what the person is saying, the more you look interested the more the person is going to trust and open up you. In health and social c atomic number 18 you communicate with patient, mate and other nonrecreationals for example if you were a doctor and you want to mean a patient to a surgeon, you would have to talk to the surgeon to sort the patient operation.Conjunction with colleague us important because if you have a serious relationship colleagues it would make the work a better place and make patients feel comfortable because they can sense if staffs are getting along. There are antithetic types of communication inlump and formal. informal this is used between family and friends. Different social groups use different informal language to communicate so it might be hard for other people to understand. formal this is used in health and social care for example if you went to a aid they would say good morning, how IIvan I help thus us to show that they respect you. multi agency working.Working with other professional for example GP ,hospital armed answer require formal communication. non verbal communication is communicating without speaking, like facial nerve expressions, sign language, gestures, eye contact, posture and tone of voice, this kind of communication can sometimes speak louder than words. compose communication, This is central to the work of any person providing a service in a health and social care environment when keeping records and in typography reports. Different types of communication need different styles of writing and all require literacy skills. A more formal style of writing is need when arranging information rough a patient. It would be unacceptable to use text message abbreviations, such as l8er.Effective communication, including active listening, can be hard work. Peoplewho work in health or social care environments tend to enjoy learning about other people and their lives. Things can go wrong, however, if the context is wrong, e.g. the surroundings are unsuitable due to lack of privacy the service provider and service user are mismatched. Sometimes communication breaks down because of factors such as age,education level, gender and ethnic background a p erson withholds information because they fear being judged, for example, they have stopn illegal drugs a person fears that confidentiality will be broken, even though this should never happen, for example, about their sexual orientation the service user thinks that the advice given is in any case vague and has not asked for clarification the subject matter is embarrassing, such as talking about sex or intimate body parts a person fears they are going to hear bad news so avoids going to a service provider until it is too late to help.If health and social care workers do not develop good communication skills, the military strength of their work will be reduced and things can go wrong. This will not help service users to feel good about themselves and can lead to worse consequences. Remember, it is important to overcome problems such as those listed above, communicate effectively, including checking understanding, so that you get the best out of your interactions with colleagues and service users.Formal or Informal theme conversations are more formal, clear and straight forward, eye contact, listening to e actuallyone, pronociation Informal is less formal, dont have to speak loudly, back and forward talking, more personalArgyles theory of the communication cycle eyes on six core concepts, or, a cycle. The cycle is as follows1. An idea occurs. For example, let us say that our idea is wanting to buy acar.2. Message coded. This would be us putting our lust of a car into whatever medium we wish to communicate with. This may be a language, pictures, writing, or any other medium you can think of.3. Message sent. Here we have communicated our rely for wanting a car.4. Message received. The person or perhaps target audience we wish to notify of our desire to have a car perhaps a parental figure has received our message.5. Message decoded. They now must take what we have said and attempt to decode it. Now, I want a car is pretty straightforward, but remember, not e veryone is as transparent as this, and this is the step where communication breakdown may occur as they may decode our message incorrectly.6. Message understood. Hopefully the last step was effective and they understand what you were assay to communicate. Now the cycle can begin anew.Burnard and MorrisonAccording to the Philip Burnard and Paul Morrison (1997), A lot of communication in care work involves building a relationship with the service user. This involves giving them emotional support which builds trust. They similarly argued that communication without caring for the person in some way would not be able to work. benefit users that go through emotional issues i.e. A teenager being sexual abused by a youth worker, is often at first a difficult and sensitive issue to talk about has a social worker for example. Any difficult and sensitive issues should focus on the emotional postulate of the service user rather than giving out advice and information that is not needed since it is not needed since the service user is already likely to be overwhelmed with grief. In health and social care setting, Professionals should ceaselessly try be supportive within difficult situations since this will help would towards making effective communication start between theprofessional and the service user.TuckmanThe environment can affect how well a communication goes, if the environment is a distraction it can cause a conversation to not flow very well, however the environment could help create a cincerarion.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Sports and the Law Essay Example for Free

Sports and the righteousness EssaySports is a wonderful gateway for recreation. It gives sense of completeness and natural sleep for a person. That is why joining in sports activities is rewarding in any way. However, it may also suit accidents and unavoidable consequences. As such, there is a need for a knowledge of the law that g all overns sports accidents and careful practise of the same. A contract should be entered into between the participants and the sports organizers to this effect. This is necessary in protection of the players or participants. Contract is the face- score of the minds between two or more persons or entities in which there is a promise to do aboutthing in return for a valuable benefit known as consideration. There are discordant types of contracts and these include coloured contracts, bilateral contracts, oral and indite contracts, conditional contracts, and joint and several contracts. A unilateral contract is one in which there is a promise to pay or give otherwise consideration in return for actual performance.A bilateral contract is one in which a promise is exchanged for a promise. Oral contracts are more difficult to prove than a written contract. Conditional contract includes conditions or an event occurring whereas joint and several contracts means that several parties make a joint promise to perform but each one is responsible impliedly in which the courts impart particularise there is contract based on the circumstances (Contracts, 2007, p. 1).The elements of contracts that will make the same valid implys the offer, an credenza of that offer which results in a meeting of minds, a promise to perform, a valuable consideration which piece of ass be a promise or payment in some form, a time or event when performance must be made, terms and conditions for performance and performance of the contract. Any one of these elements that is non present in a contract will make the same void or voidable. In the moori ng of Vernonia School District 47J v.Acton (Supreme speak to, 1995), the Supreme Court of the United States found that mandatory drug testing in high school athletic competition programs was not an unreasonable search or seizure, nor was it an assault of privacy. The petitioner school operates one high school in Oregon. The school also involves in athletics activities as sports play a 2 prominent role in the towns life, and students suspensors are admired in their school and community. However, due to the observed increase in drug use, the school haved every athlete to be beneath drug test.And yet, it was regarded by the concerned that it was against the right of every individual against unreasonable searches and seizures and an violation of privacy. Respondent Acton was denied participation in his schools football program when he and his parents refused to consent to the testing. It was the right of the school to require Acton to be under drug testing based on the contract he signed under the football program. They then filed this suit seeking declaratory and injunctive relief on the grounds that the Policy weard personal rights identified earlier.There is a close relationship of civil wrong law with sports. It cannot be avoided that participate sports activities will result to accidents due to negligence of the parties. To be able to resolve a particular case, tort law will come to the rescue. Many sports pose serious danger to participants. Generally, a person who suffers a sports-related injury may recover for medical expenses and other losses if the injury was caused by negligence of another(prenominal) party. Injuries and damages resulting from intentional torts, such as battery or assault, likewise are recoverable.Courts generally fix suits involving injuries to athletes, spectators, and other parties involved in sports according to basic tort laws. If a party owes a avocation of care toward another party and that duty is breached, the pa rty owing the duty is liable for any injuries suffered by the party to whom the duty is owed that result from breach. The aim of duty will vary according to the circumstances. When the situation is dangerous, it will require a high degree of care, and less dangerous situations require less care (Sports Law, 2004). Athletes may recover for injuries resulting from anothers partys negligence or intentional acts.Athletes in contact sports consent to some physical contact, but courts do not find that participants consent to contract that goes outside the bounds of the game. In some cases, schools are 3 even liable for injuries of the athletes. If an employee of the school such as a coach or referee fails to properly supervise a student and the student suffers an injury as a result of the failure to supervise, the school may also be held liable for the employees negligence. Defendants in sports-related personal injury suits may posses any number of defenses.One of the most successful of these defenses is that the party assumed the risk of being injure by playing in or watching the sporting event. Defendants may also argue on their part that the plaintiff was negligent and therefore should recover only a portion of his damages or nothing at all. This can be illustrated in a situation where a plaintiff may have ignored warnings or signed a document that waved the defendants liability for any injury suffered by the complainant. We will now discuss a case that is related to the topic on negligence and injuries. This was the case of Montalvo v.Radcliffe (Federal and States Cases, 1999) wherein Michael Montalvo, a 12-year old boy with AIDS, was denied admission to a traditional Japanese style martial arts school because of his HIV-positive status. In this action, brought under Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act thereby prohibiting discrimination on the basis of disability by places of public accommodation. The district court denied Montalvos relief becaus e his condition posed a profound risk to the health or safety of other students and no reasonable modification could sufficiently smother this risk without fundamentally altering the nature of the program.The Court affirmed the same decision. The facts of the case would tell us that Southside Virginia Police Karate Association, Inc. operates a karate school in Colonial Heights, Virginia, known as U. S. A. Bushi- dokan, which is owned by mob P. Radcliffe, II. The school teaches exclusively traditional Japanese, beleaguer-oriented martial arts. Within the first three weeks of lessons at U. S. A. Bushidokan, students learn techniques that involve substantial body contact, and within the first few months they apply these techniques to spar in actual combat situations.Radcliffe testified at trial that the sparring often results in injuries which, while minor, are bloody. 4 In the seam of their sparring or their fighting a blow can take place that may enlighten some type of open wou nd or may initiate blood flow. The continuation of their use continues for as long as they continue to show defensive techniques and then at some point, possibly seconds, maybe even closer up to a minute, they will break and at that point that is commonly the point where we will notice that someone has blood on them.When they spar one person off another, at the finish of that whole thing, 10 to 15 minutes, they will have blood all over their uniforms and hands and have no idea where it came from, who it came from or things of that nature. Radcliffe explained that to progress through the belt, as a level of achievement, a student must engage in combat activity fighting. You have to do the self-defense. It involves contact, that is just now what they do. Radcliffe also noted that inherent in this form of karate are consistently scratched skin, scratches, gouges, bloody lips, bloody noses, things of that nature.Accordingly, the Court concluded that U. S. A. Bushidokan who is the ow ner of the martial arts class, in excluding Michael Montalvo from participating in its combat-oriented group karate class, did not violate the rules under question because Michael posed a significant risk to the health and safety of others that could not be eliminated by a reasonable modification. Finally, we should not forget that the law on torts and damages is very serious to be studied in relation to participation is sports activities because it will protect the safety of every athlete or player.It will also give a balance in giving decisions of every uncover posed by the parties. 5 References Concord Law School. (2007). Sports Law Cases. Retrieved 4 celestial latitude 2007, from http//www. news. findlaw. com/legalnews/sports/sports_law/cases. Karate Law. Com. (2004). Sports Law. Retrieved 4 December 2007, from http// www. karatelaw. com/sports. html. Law. Com Dictionary. (2007). Contract. Retrieved 4 December 2007, from http// dictionary. law. com/default2. cap? selected337bo ld.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Pilchard Impact and Requirement Essay Example for Free

Pilchard Impact and Requirement screenPilchard or sardines be groups of small fishes which belong to the herring family. They are caught almost throughout the grade especially in the night. Pilchards are rich in minerals and they are usually consumed in different ways. They are also referred to as low-value pelagic species. Pilchard and Tuna The introduction of tuna farm had a study impact on sard hunting simply because it was found to be a major reference book of food for the tuna. This resulted in an increase emphasis on sard research and farming. Pilchards are mostly utilise to feed carnivorous fishes such as tuna, trout and salmon.Pilchard farming requires marine scalefish fishers, not targeted for recreational purposes, provides feeds for piranha species such as salmon, and tuna, fishing methods (use of small mesh and fishing done by night), and pilchard farming done in temperate waters. Pilchard farming is of great economic importance. About 20 pounds of pilchard is required to produce a pound of tuna, indicating a resource-intensive form of producing tuna and depleting the stock of small fishes. This pass on ultimately disrupt the aquatic ecosystem in that it will not only affect the fishes alone simply marine mammals and seabirds directly or indirectly.Some documentation about the introduction of viral infection into the aquatic ecosystem has been documented. Several factors such as ecological integrity, social justice and status of the pilchard existence essential be maintained. Pilchard and Dolphins Dolphin swim license is indirectly related to pilchard in that pilchard is not farm for ecological purpose, and dolphin only feeds on them as an opportunistic predator. Dolphin nourishment on pilchard will cause a major and drastic decrease in their population and subsequently leading to enormous financial loss.Conclusion Considering the immediate need for tuna fishes and the relationship amidst the fish and pilchard, the tuna license s hould be granted while licensing dolphin swim should not be allowed because of it the negative impact on the aquatic ecosystem, and associated financial loss. References Lopez, D. (2005). Interaction between bottlenose dolphins and fish farms could there be an economic impact. Retrieved May 23, 2009 from http//www. thebdri. com/resources/downloads/ICES2005X10. pdf PIRSA Fisheries, (2009). Sardine (Pilchard) fishery.Commercial fishing Retrieved May 23, 2009 from http//www. pir. sa. gov. au/fisheries/commercial_fishing/sardine_pilchard_fishery Primary industries and resources, (2009). Ecological assessment of the south Australian pilchard fishery. South Australian fisheries heed series. Retrieved May 22, 2009 from http//www. pir. sa. gov. au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/12858/sa_pilchard_submission. pdf Stuart, N. (2001). Tuna farmers face fresh challenges. Landline Retrieved May 23, 2009 from http//www. abc. net. au/landline/stories/s363097. htm

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Unforgettable Moment Essay Example for Free

Unforgettable Moment EssayWhen I arrived at the area of the stadium I saw hundreds of peoples. A lot kinds of peoples. All of them have look genuinely happy. At that time, with age as young as I, I feel so excited and enthusiasm. My unscathed body also able to taste it. The area of the stadium is full with stall, stall that sold everything that connected to football such as jersey, football merchandise, teams flag and many else. I also do non miss to get my favourite team jersey which is Selangor FC and also well-known as The Red Giants. afterward satisfied walking around the stadium compound. Me and my brother decide to enter the stadium. After my first viands step in the stadium the feel of excited strike me again. If the outside of the stadium I open fire see hundreds of peoples, at the inside I can see thousands of peoples. The place is so crowded and noisy, when I talked to my brother he can non hear what I am talking about even he is dear next to me. After take a s eat, I saw every corner of the stadium and the stadium is so huge .At that moment, I bet this must be the biggest stadium in the world. in the first place the match started all peoples in the stadium need to stand up and sing the national anthem, Negaraku . I sing it with enthusiasm. My adrenalin is rising at the moment. The national anthem ends with a thunderous applause by supporters who come, and again the feel of excited strike me again. Match on that day involving Selangor FC and Perak FC. During the match I did not stop cheering for my favourite team. I think I almost lost my voice on that day.After the 90 minute full game, whistle is blown and match that day ending in a draw. Although the match ending in a draw which do not affect my use of goods and services of the day. After all, I back home with feeling very happy. When I arrived at home and I rewind what just happened to me will become my special moment in my life, and guest what, I am on-key ,the first experience to st ep foot in stadium watch my favourite team behave has become my unforgettable, sweetest and special moment to me until now, and probably until forever.

Addiction and Behavior Essay Example for Free

Addiction and Behavior Essaydissertation Statement In this paper, I allow for try and analyze addiction and the various doingss that addiction will induce in an individual, and I will also describe the kinds of addiction that an average individual is given everywhere to, and research the efforts that argon being made for an addict to try to work his offensive behavior brought on by his addiction.Experts olfaction and do stress on the point that addictions and requisites of any kind stem and mount from an overwhelming emotional stateing of not being in control of ones life, and a collect to gain some form of control over events that seem to be overtaking him or her. sealed addictions, however, possess genetic components, and are generally passed on within the family, where one member whitethorn meet been habituated or been prone to tyrannical behaviors. He may birth inadvertently passed on this behavior to the next generation, and in these cases, this vicious cycle would continue.Addictions can be of several kinds. One such compulsion is that of an addiction to medicines or different substances, and another is an obsession for sex. Eating disorders can also qualify as addictions of compulsions, and overspending, gambling and overworking too are obsessive and compulsive disorders.According to experts, The power of fantasy is the endure power of addiction, wherein an addict may be prone to developing fantasies of having gained a sense of control over his life, because of his addiction. The addict would consequently be quite unwilling to give up these drug induce fantasies and enter a normal life again, and this can be one of the major problems that an addict may caseful at the time when he is addicted no matter what his addiction may be.The addicted individual would much often than not choose to induce mood changes in himself, instead of try to address the actual causes of the stresses that he is faced with. Take for example an alcoholic he would prefer to soak up and blame the failure of his marriage on his spouse, rather than face the underlying issues behind the failure of his marriage. In this lies the causes and the reasons for his continued addiction to alcohol. Take the example of a money addict.This individual would prefer to binge on a spending spree, rather than face the underlying money issues, and making use of the money to purpose his debts. In short, an addict behaves in such a way that he believes with strong conviction that no matter what stresses life may have to throw at him, he would be qualified to face them all, as long as he has his own addiction to get him through lifes tough situations. (Earll, Steven, 2004)As a result of extensive scientific research done through the years, directly one can be reasonably sure that addiction as such can be qualified as a disease that partakes ones brain as well as ones behaviors. It is interesting to note that in the past, scientists attributed addictiv e behaviors related to drug and alcohol twist to the fact that the user lacked in willpower, and that he could, if he wished to, bring an end to his addictions.This was the view that shaped to a greater extent or less of societys responses to addicts an addict was viewed as a morally flawed individual, who displayed serious moral impuissance by being un suitable to control his own behaviors. It is only today that the average individual is able to comprehend the basic fact that addiction may be the result of a combination of varied factors, and that it can essential be treated as a disease than could cause great terms to ones health.Scientists today use this vital knowledge to create and develop effective methods of treatment, which would be able to reduce the toll that addiction has on the individuals family and friends. Today, preventive drug twist has gained precedence over other forms of treatment, and this has been proven to attention addicts get over their addictions wit h a reasonable marrow of success. dose addiction or abuse as such can be described as a chronic and relapsing disease that affects the brain of the user, despite the user being aware of the fact that such abuse can result in grave consequences for him in the long run. One must remember that the longer an individual is addicted to drugs, the more insalubrious the intrusion of the drugs on his brain, and the more harmful his behavior may become.To run across the dependable nature of addiction, one must first try to understand why people take drugs, and exactly why they become addicted to drugs and other substances. One of the more important and one of the first reasons according to researchers is that an individual starts taking drugs so that he may feel good. Most drugs induce a sense of great pleasure in the individual who has taken them, and more importantly, the user feels a sense of power, self confidence and self assurance that he would never feel in normal life.Perhaps, th e sense of power, feelings of relaxation and of intense satisfaction that the drugs have given him induces him to take more, and then some more, until the time when he can no longer control his intake, and at which time he is considered to be addicted. Individuals, who may suffer from feelings of acute anxiety, or from stress related disorders, or from clinical depression, are also prone to use drugs to help them overcome these feelings. Some others may feel that drugs may help them perform better, like for example an athlete, who may take performance enhancing drugs that would help him win.Adolescents may be in particular vulnerable to drug addiction, perhaps because of peer pressure, or simply because others are doing it, why not me? the perturbing fact is that although drugs may offer the user a sense of satisfaction and power at the outset, it is true that as time goes by, the user will feel that he has to take more quantities of the same drug, if he wished to achieve the same feelings of euphoria and pleasure. It is at this time that the user realizes that he would not be able to function without a fix, at which time he may be considered an addict.Drug addicts reach a point of time when they pursue the drug as if it were a lifeline, regardless of the behavioural problems that theDrug usage may cause in them, and the trouble that they may be causing others approximately them, because of the drug usage and addiction. It is at this point of time that drug usage becomes known as drug abuse and addiction, and it is at this point that the addicts self control becomes severely strained and impaired.Scientists have conducted brain imaging and mapping studies of drug addicts, and the findings show that for addicted individuals, physical changes become evident in the areas of the brain that would normally control judgment, decision making, memory, and even behavior control. These are the changes in the brain that affect the addicts behaviors, and they may well b e able to shed light on the compulsive and the addictive behaviors displayed by an addict.A tragic factor is that an adolescents brain continues to develop and commence into adulthood, and when the adolescent uses drugs and becomes addicted to them, then he undergoes dramatic changes in his pre-frontal cortex, that area of the brain that would enable him to appraise a particular give situation, make decisions based on his judgment of that situation, and keep his desires and yearnings under control, as any normal adolescent would do.This means that the adolescent would be forced to lose control over a given situation, and submit to the influence of drug addiction on his behavior. Therefore, say experts, introducing drugs or other substances at this stage of development would automatically have a long lasting negative impact on the young person who has become addicted. (Volkow, D Nora (2007)

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Cultural Assumptions and assessment for understanding of Burns’ Perspective Essay Example for Free

pagan Assumptions and assessment for understanding of Burns Perspective EssayThe verbalizer was addressing a inborn Indians, near likely her mother. The loudspeaker system was trying to trace her goal and trying to differentiate it from her physical and lineament behavior. In this address the speaker is trying to deny her native identity as American Indian and specifying that it is Native American. It appears the mother was American but the father was Indian. (Burn 741) The rime has the humor in the of living in identity denial yet when the speaker seem to be very(prenominal) much aware of the stopping efflorescence of her identity such as archery practice, stoic face and not drinking a lot. This forms the first subject field of this song of cultural identity denial even though in that location are physical and behavioural attributes that are associated with the Indian native refining. The speaker consider the Indian rugs very cheap as compared to the American rug s, thus the speaker does not want to be identified with them . (Burn 741) The second humor that is in this rime is the manner in which the speaker is addressing the mother, especially when referring to the father. The speaker is referring to the father as an Indian lover to the mother.The speaker makes it more comic by perceiving and elaborating how tight the father and the mother were before the speaker was born. This is the second sedate theme in the poem. (Burn 741- 742) There are certain phrases that are ingeminate through out the poem with respective effect. The Yea Uh-huh phrase is repeated in the phrase as a scone and laugh at the issues in the theme such as culture and identity. It is use by the speaker to make humorous asserting and make a sense of disapproval to the listener. The No phrase has as well been used at the beginning of the phrase to vehemently deny the Indian identity and culture in the poem.The Oh phrase has been used in the middle of the poem to pour sco ne on the relationship that existed between the parents. Other comm solo repeated phrases are the I dont and I didnt. These are use for the function of sustenance and utter dissociation. .(Burn 741-742) Cultural Assumptions and assessment for understanding of Cofers Perspective The tone of this poem is a gamble, with a prayerful respect, to some extent very desperate full of identity hope. It is a gamble as the identity of God is put of debate by the Latin women.There is a prayerful wish as these women are religiously attending the church prayer sessions. Finally the desperate tone is seen at the end when they are not sure if God is or can be bilingual. (Cofer 780). Cofer relates the issues of race in the reference of God as being of Anglo identity with a Jewish heritage even though they pray in Spanish. Therefore the races hare are Spanish, English and Jews The issues of class are related to in the reference of the great white father as well as the church environment which as ma rble that signify effluence.There is debate slightly the identity of God. The issues of women run all through the poem from the Latin women who pray to the end of the poem where they pray to their dedicated saints such as Margarita, Josephina, Maria and Isabel. (Cofer 780). Cultural Assumptions and assessment for understanding of Hughes Perspective I am a student who does not see myself from the colorise perspective but from the opportunities to be what I am and can be in future. I valuate other irrespective of their colors. I do not disregard others capabilities along color lines.I am aware that life is a learning experience that will give everybody a chance to hump their dreams with disregard to colors. These are the aspects that are covered by the speaker. (Hughes 935- 936). The writer complication is the assignment that was given about who they are as blacks yet the tutor is white. This assignment in itself is judgmental hence the complication on the writers side. The writin g assignment is fulfilled when the writer goes to an isolated place at the institution and describes their identity on personal and in relations to others in the society.The righter specifies that it is not possible to dissociate others because of their colors. (Hughes 935- 936). The speaker happens to be the only black student in their class, perhaps the oldest at twenty two years and feels discriminated for the color identity. The speaker also describes the way to the institution as mostly affluent and inhabited with whites. The speakers repartee to the question of whether the white paper will be colored when writing is negative. (Hughes 935- 936). The tone of line 27- 40 is one of defiance. The speaker wants to be considered and an American, just like the others.The speaker is also defying the past treatment of dissociation from the rest of the society. The tone is also one of collectivisms when the speaker wants to be considered as an American. (Hughes 935- 936). The instructor will begin a whole new perception about the identity discrimination that exits in the society at the moment. The Instructor will be touched and filled with guilt about the past occurrences of the wee happened at the learning institution. The instructor will also commend the writer bravery and resolve and will most likely grade it as excellent.(Hughes 935- 936). Cultural Assumptions and assessment for understanding of Byatts Perspective Daphne is a very sympathetic character. She never goes to the city Mall to shop and does not know so much of the place. The preserve Dollo always leaves her home and feels she is much more comfort adapted with the domestic chores that with the urban shopping Mall rendezvous. She is also very unaware of the risk of the city Mall security and get all her essential retention such as passport stolen when she leave them lying carelessly at the Mall.( Byatt 502-504). She gets into trouble when she cannot render for the non-buoyant baggage of shopping at the end of the tour and get more worked up and desperately arrested. entirely the other ladies did not go round the Mall with her hence she looses directions throughout the session . She is unable to probe her identity and will most likely be identified as a shop booster dose unless her husband comes for her. ( Byatt 502-504). The antagonism arises between Daphne and the policeman when she is found lost in the perimeter. She has not been able to pay for the product.She claims her property has been stolen including her passport which is her first step of identification. On arrest, she resists and believes she is not a criminal and will cargo deck for her husband to come out with proof. But this is not resolved as the policeman is impatient there is nobody coming to her rescue. Eventually she must have given in to the arrest. ( Byatt 502-504). Cultural Assumptions and assessment for understanding of Divakarunis Perspective The practice of the pre-arranged marriages has long ro ots in the Indian culture.I thin it should be left upon the lady to decide who to marry, when to marry, how many children to have and after what duration. (Divakaruni, 214- 215). Sumita initially cries of it as she does not have a chance to choose her groom. She also is not for the idea of going to America as she finds the culture quite conflicting with her current beliefs. However Divakaruni explores Sumitas new life experience from the cloth point of view. As soon as Sumita is married, she gets a whole new experience that ranges from how women in America dress, pet in public and socialize in the community.This is quite a shift from the normal Indian culture including drinking. (Divakaruni, 214- 219) The Author weaves into the first section to show that everything is in order according to the Indian culture of pre-arranged marriages. The lector will initially see no signs that there are other controversial themes such as the pre-arranged marriages and the roles of the parents on such occasions. In this fist section, the author dwell on the traditional Indian enclothe exposition especially the ones worn by the brides in the wedding day. (Divakaruni, 214- 215)Somesh was initially characterized as well able man who is kind and decent and a provider. Later Somesh turn out to be a ordinary American with drinking and dressing practices that are not well known by the parents. Somesh was also considered a caring man by the parents. He was a very good singer. (Divakaruni, 214- 215) Works Cited Byatt. Baglady 1998. p. 502 504. Burns, Diane. Sure, You Can imply Me a Personal Question. 1981, p. 741-2 Cofer, Judith Ortiz. Latin Women Pray. 1981, p. 780. Hughes, Langston, Dinner Guest Me. 1965. p. 898, 935. Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee. Clothes 1990, p. 214

Friday, April 5, 2019

Effect of Bone Marrow Composition Changes With Age

rear of Bone Marrow Composition Changes With AgePROJECT TOPIC INVESTIGATION INTO THE EFFECT OF BONE totality COMPOSITION CHANGES WITH AGE BETWEEN THE TWO GENDERS ON FINE STRUCTURE ANALYSIS (FINESA) TECHNIQUEA short 100 word lay-person summaryThe cast off is about the investigation into the hit the books affectionateness report card changes with age between the two genders and its effect on the structure MRI technique fineSA. It utilizes MR to excite the orthogonal prism shape volume in the human system to generate a signal that is touch on to provide information about anatomical structure of interest. It volition be conducted in a 12 weeks period commencing with literature follow of relevant journals and conference papers relating the topic. It get out be followed by the manikin of a ivory up message phantom aimed at adding a uniform root structure that will control the outcome of the project. It will then be concluded with the analysis of the processed clinical selec tive information for both genders with different age range.AimThe main aim of this project is to identify a trend between different gender subjects with a varying range of ages from 18-80 and other measures of signal which can be attributed to bone marrow composition and its effect on the fineSA technique. FineSA is a technique that defines anatomical structures using MR information by acquiring data from rectangular prisms located in the anatomical region and region of interest. It is soon unknown what happens to the fineSA in regards to bone marrow (BM) changes. By identifying the trend it will enable the technique to be dressed to suit each subject and not generalise its bone marrow applications as it is before long done. The research will fill a gap in the industry concerning the bone marrow composition (BMC) changes with ages with the single-valued function of the fineSA techniques.ObjectivesCarry out a detailed literature research related to BMC changes with age and sex. applicable journals and conference papers will be analysed to support the research work.The modelling of a bone marrow phantom to observe the effect of fat will be accomplished. The fluid around the phantom will simulate the bone marrow and that will give the signal expected.Analysis and evaluation of a clinical data set for different gender ages ranging 18-80 will be carried out. It will be started by look at the k0 on the spectra with respect to the age and the expected bone marrow composition. The data obtained from the company is make of spectra in Matlab format and the relevant information will be extracted in Matlab. It will also be necessary to canvass the effect of noise as noise is measured during the acquisition.Resources and necessary approvalsI will need to complete Human Subjects Protection training in order to work with patient data. It is use to fulfil the requirement for education in the protection of human subjects. The ethical review board that approve this st udy is Western Institutional Review Board (WIRB) located in the USA. There are no known health risks associated with this research.Literature review According to the literatures, bone marrow does changes with age and becomes fatty and so it is expected to give a higher signal in the MR technique used.According to an early studies conducted, for daughters and their parents to analyze (BMF) content assessed by inphase and out-of-phase MRI in between family members. It was run aground that the daughters had less BMF and BM whole body and regions where BMF was assessed than their mothers and fathers. This was in agreement with a previous studies that link increased BMF with age 1.MR spectros reduplicate studies have controvert that vertebral fat content increases as the bone density (BD) falloffs. Several literatures have suggested a kind between bone mineral content and bone marrow fat (BMF) which has been found to lead to bone weakness. A study was conducted on fifty-six female p atients with the age range 5065 old age to assess vertebral bone marrow fat (BMF) contents blood with osteoporosis by the use of chemical-shift magnetic resonance imaging (CS-MRI). It was however concluded that BMF content calculated with CS-MRI was not reliable for predicting bone mineral density in female patients aged between 50 and 65 years and so and research was recommended 2.Differences in the relationship between BMF and bone has also been attributed to the potential ethnic differences in African American and Caucasian men and women. This was shown in a study done to evaluate the relationship between BMAT and BMD for potential sex and ethnic differences within a large sample with DXA and whole-body MRI data. The results obtained was found to be consistent with a previous findings done in Caucasian women and of Asian men and women. that there is reported inverse association between BMF and BMD in studies of men and women without ethnicity explicitly 3.A barely study cond ucted on 211 subjects also suggested that BMC changes are different for both male and female subjects. The largest change in the BMC in the lumbar spine was seen to have occurred from 5 to 24 years in the male subjects. Conversely, the largest decrease occurred after 45 years in female subjects. In an earlier research by Dunnill et al. 4 to investigate the changes in cellular and BMF in the vertebral bodies and correlate those changes with age and sex, no differences between the sexes for age-related variations was found. This also implied more than research need to be done to ascertain the relationship between BMC and age and sex 5.MethodologiesThe project will be managed with the aid of programme of work with details on a Gantt chart that cite all the tasks dates. The milestones mark the completion of a task and meetings with the supervisor for review.Literature research (2 week)A review of relevant literatures in relation to BMC changes with age and gender.Outcome 1 Literature review finished and theories for further research have been studied.Phantom Modelling (2 week)Arrangement will be made with the company for this to be carried outOutcome 2 Pantom modelled and analysed.Data analysis and evaluation (3 week)The clinical data will be analysed will be carried out at this stage and then evaluated.Outcome 3 Data analysed and a conclusion drawn.Draft write up (2 week)Write the first draft of the dissertation which will be presented to the research supervisor for review.Outcome 4 perfect(a) first drafted of the report.Final dissertation (2 week)The final copy will be produced and reviewed for any errors and ethical issues by supervisor and then submitted.Outcome 5 Complete the final report for submission.Contingency (1 week)This is an open period where any problems encountered will be dealt with.ConclusionThe research plan was conducted to evaluate the purpose and methodologies that will be employed for the project to be successful. With the timelines draft ed and the resources effectively utilize the project is expected to be successful. At the end of the project, the results should guide the industry in use of the fineSA with bone marrow composition changes with age application. If it is concluded that there is a trend in the bone marrow composition changes with age, it will require changes made to the technique used in acquiring the signals. This could lead to having to adjust for composition the current technique used.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Benefit of Technology Transfer to Developing Countries

Benefit of Technology Transfer to Developing CountriesWHY IS THE TECHNOLOGY CONTRIBUTION OF MULTINATIONALS potentially SO IMPORTANT FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES? WHAT FACTORS WILL DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT THE TRANSFERED TECHNOLOGY ACTUALLY PROVIDES win BENEFITS FOR THE HOST DEVELOPING COUNTRY?Todays world is divided no longer by ideology scarcely by engine room 15% of the earths population, provides nearly all of the worlds technology innovationshalf of the worlds population, is able to adopt these technologies in re delve and consumption. The remaining part, covering around a third of the worlds population, is scientificly disconnected, neither innovating at home nor adopting outside(prenominal) technologies. Sachs (2000)According to the in the buff Growth opening of the 1990s, Innovation is the prime source of technological advancementwhich in turn drives scotch step-up. One of the prime motives of forces create countries for widely accepting and encouraging respective(a ) transmit of FDI is to absorb the technological spillover from the international democracy firms. The Hard Technologies (industrial processes, equipment and plant) or Soft Technologies (technical know-how, management ideas, marketing skills etc) (Dunning and Lundan 2008) contributed by Multi-national Enterprises (MNEs) are considered the main source of economic development and growth.When a multinational firm vertically integrates with the evolution country firms, master of ceremonies firms they are forced to abide by the MNEs strict guidance and standards to ensure timber goods or services in the form of raw materials or upstream services. The foreign firms would guide and assist, twain managerially and technically which would lead to improvement both in quality and quantity of service by the local anesthetic anesthetic affiliates. Also domestic rival firms enhance their offerings to keep in pace with the foreign affiliated firms in the market consequently enhancing the h ost country firms productivity. The biggest US based retailer, Wal-Marts gate and rapid expansion in China has helped the logistics industry in Chinese market to climb higher level Zhu (2010).For developing countries to cut their niche in the global economy, they need to be technologically advanced. There is a possibility of trade new technology from foreign developed market, but this will cause a setback as the procedure would be expensive. Also countries will find themselves alienated from the advancement of technologies if they bunst develop exporting markets Sachs (2008). This can be minimised to a considerable extent by MNEs trickle down effect wherein enrapture of technological skills from developed countries to developing countries occurs through FDI. The modify of Panasonics microwave manufacturing base from United States to China has lead to the presence of 2800 Chinese enterprises to provide dowers for it, which has not only contributed new technology, but simil arly advanced trading operations management techniques to Chinese market (Sinani and Meyer 2004).The risk factor imputable to uncertainty of new technologys results and heavy investment funds thwarts the developing countries from introducing any new technology from scratch. The argument in support of MNEs is that technologyis the quintessential component of economic development and demands a lot of investment in look and development (RD). Developing countries, however, omit both in skills and funds essential for RD, which has led to the deficient level of RD indevelopingeconomies. The host countries innovation can be stimulated because of the presence of MNEs, which would command resources necessary for RD. Hence host firms can save on cost by using the technologies which are already implemented and used by MNEs using Demonstration (by MNEs) and Imitation (by host firms) (Das 1987 Wang Blomstrom 1992, cited in Crespo and Fontoura 2007). However the patent regulation and challeng e of bewitching the technological skills in the short term collaborative contracts makes the process very challenging for the firms in the uphill markets.The human resources mobility from MNEs to local firms also act as a channel of technology reassign and backstage since the systematic training provided to these high-skilled employees is dissipated to domestic firms in the form of innovative managerial ability thus enhancing the domestic enterprises which would otherwise be impossible (Crespo and Fontoura 2007).Table 1 Summary of Spillover Channels of FDI (Blomstorm and Kokko (1998) Gorg and Greenaway (2001) Gorg and Strobl (2002))The technology transfer usually occurs in a market which is imperfectly competitive and possesses no particular market structure. Since distinct developing countries would have different market structure, it becomes very complicated to have a generalized theory and model to find the determinant factors of technological spillover benefits to local firms (Mondal and Pant 2010). The results of empirical study by various researchers act as an alternative to analyse the net benefits of technology spillover for the host developing countries. The firms Total performer Productivity (Factors like the level of RD, foreign presence, the firm size) can be used as a proxy to gauge technology transfer (Haddad and Harrison 1992, cited in Crespo and Fontoura 2007).According to Seck (2011) A 10% increase in a developing countrys foreign RD capital stock leads to more than a 2% percent increase in its total factor productivity.The economic development level (measured by per capita GDP) impacts strongly on RD activity (Cheung and Lin 2003). The growth in host countrys RD activities reduces the technological gap and increases the absorptive capacity of the host firm thereby benefitting the host developing country.According to Schmid (2010), A one percent increase in the Research and development (RD) economic consumption is associated with a five p ercent increase in the likelihood of a technology transfer. He also states that the technology transfer is positively correlated to the trade flows and RD expenditure of a developing country. RD resulting in new processes and products either amplifies firms revenues or saves firms costs and is considered as the vital proxy for endogenous growth and technological advancement, Zhu (2010). In 2004, 23.7 % of industrial RD within China was performed by affiliates as compared to 21.7% in 2004 (UNCTAD 2005, cited in Dunning and Lundan 2008, p.359) which exemplifies increasing trend and perhaps positive effect on host developing countries. Here the main challenge lies in determination the exact proportion of beneficial RD activities.If the relative costs of technology espousal are large to the economic value of the underlying technology (to the host country firms), there will be little adoption relatively and FDI spillover realized will also be relatively limited (Blomstrm. et.al 1999). Thus cost of technology adoption plays a major role for the technology transfer to be beneficial to the host country firms.The factors contributing to the distribution of technological capacity (which includes Higher educational institutions, Scientists and Engineers, RD laboratories and other physical and human assets) which are aided by foreign affiliates reflects the net beneficial effect on host countries due to export or FDI (Dunning and Lundan 2008). Alongside the direct set up of technological capacity of host countries, the indirect consequences can be measured through knowledge, technology and RD spillovers to host economys local firms which can be measured in terms of the raise in productivity of local firms as a result of the MNEs presence or entry into host economy. However realising the exact proportion of productivity increase solely due to MNEs contribution is a big challenge for many other factors would have aided the process.A study by Xu (2000), cited in Dunning and Lundan (2008), suggests that the spending on royalties and licence fees approximately indicates the impact of productivity enhancement caused due to technology transfer of FDI in the host countries. The absorptive capacity of the developing countries varies and accordingly the positive or negative effects based on it. The study by Feinberg and Majumdar (2001), cited in Dunning and Lundan (2008) reveals that the pharmaceutical affiliates in India experienced no spillover to local firms through locally conducted RD whereas the foreign affiliates had benefited. On the contrary, a study conducted by (Mondal and Pant 2010) shows the presence of foreign affiliates and high absorptive capacity for developing countries to impact positively on technology spillover which is elevated by a highly competitive environment.The policies of host politicss towards FDI such as technology policy and Intellectual shoes Protection are also plausible determinants which impacts the magnitude of the efficiency spillovers captured by host country firms. For ideal government policies which would encourage the RD performance like effective IP protection would alleviate the chances of FDI and intensify the technological capability of local firms which in turn would aid to exploit appropriate foreign technology (Blomstrm et al. 1999). On the other hand patents filed by developed countries would result in limited transfer of technological capabilities due to the protection of technology from imitation for 20 years. China became the largest recipient of FDI among the developing countries during 1990s due to the market for technology policy and enforcement of patent law in line with TRIPs (Trade-Related Intellectual Properties) (Cheung and Lin, 2003).Due to contradicting research data and the dependence of technology transfer benefits on the kind of industry and the level of alliance betwixt foreign and emerging market country firms, it becomes very complicated to generalise the fact ors contributing to the net benefits of the developing countries.CONCLUSIONAccording to (Dunning and Lundan 2008) The ability to create, acquire, learn, use and effectively deploy technological capacity is one of the secernate ingredients of economic success in virtually all societies. The exact realisation of net benefit of technology transfer to developing countries is measured using TFP as a proxy and can be raise by strengthening their local economy and capabilities to attract FDI inflow with the aid of strict and stringent government regulations.