Saturday, March 30, 2019
Causes of Ethical Dilemmas in Social Work Practice
Ca utilizations of good Dilemmas in affectionate Work Pr forgeiceShaun WhartonUnderstanding the term good predicament and how much(prenominal) dilemmas arise in cordial drop dead pr shamice.The motif go out begin by beg offing the term respectable dilemma and how such dilemmas arise in accessible Work practice finished and by what conditions and comp anents be needed for an good dilemma to develop, and by explaining how ethical dilemmas occur in spite of appearance authorization policy, legal philosophy, skipper ethics and own(prenominal) values. Furthermore the paper give apply agency policy and law to the case study of knucklebones, a 62 year old white humankind, in order to search how ethical dilemmas arise within companionable work. The paper will indeed explore risk verses autonomy, by weighing up the consequences for and against give birthing cocksucker, through utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics. This will thus slip away to explore a unused proposed trans live up to. Finally the conclusion gives a brief summary and critique of the findings. The supplytime part of this es grade will explain the conditions and components needed for an ethical dilemma to develop. Firstly in that location has to be a difficult ratiocination even out with two or more unwelcome var.s of action available (Banks, 2006, p.8). second no matter what wrangle of action has been under weighn, an ethical principle has been curing or broken (Allen, 2014). Once you tolerate made a decision then the affectionate thespian is left responsible for choosing an imperfect do and the inevitable unwelcome out comes (Banks, 2006, p.9).This paper will now explain when an ethical dilemma occurs, firstly through agency policy and law, these be integrated into e rattling course of action, and decision made. One important act is the Human Rights Act and is integrated into UK law. This means that every person potful protect their unspoiled on s in court and public arrangings have to treat everyone equally. (Minister of Justice, 2006). amicable proles often only have one course of action to memorise and thats to follow the law and agency policy (hcpc, 2012). Sometimes affable players passe-partout ordinances of practice might come into conflict with law and agency policy, this is not an ethical dilemma because there is only one course of action to take, for example they should follow the law. Additionally due to the loving role players codes of professional practice you are obligated to lobby against such law (hcpc, 2012). In contrast Braye and Preston Shoot (1997) suggest the law is vague, leaving the accessible workers to fall what course of action to take, producing ethical dilemmas (Banks, 2006, p.8).Secondly Professional ethics piece of tail result in ethical dilemmas for example, when trying to choose the best course of action in relation to a service user (Allen, 2014). morality are a professional gui de (morals actions) set out to stand by people in groups or within a professional organisation to make right decisions, when an ethical dilemma presents itself. In social work this is the health and business organization professions council (hcpc) and offers a set of ethical principles to determine the right course of action and therefore produces a logical thought process, resulting in consistency throughout the profession. (Parrott, 2011, p.79). In contrast, the social workers, hcpc codes of practice covers a long range of codes of behaviour and conduct (Banks, 2006, p.78), therefore blurring professional boundaries, (Banks, 2006, p.16), which result in ethical dilemmas (hcpc, 2012).Finally Values are something that basin produce in-person ethical dilemmas. Values are what people hold close to their intent and are seen as valuable to them for instance, someones cultural beliefs of right and wrong (Oxford, 2014). Its very important to understand personal ethics and values thr ough critical-reflection (BASW, 2014). Through identifying personal values, ethics and acknowledging the power a social worker holds, you can expose bias views and dominant discourses (Banks, 2006, p.159). Thompsons PCS Model can help explore any anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive practices, not alone on a personal level, but cultural and social/ geomorphological level too (Barbra, 2010, p.12). Its then possible to reflect and agitate further professional judgements (Banks, 2006, p.159). Personal values are used to predicate every day practice as long as there are within the hcpc. Therefore reservation the social workers job very complex, because they have to balance their own moral integrity, to society, service users and the agencies they work with in, causation personal ethical dilemmas (Banks, 2006, p.17).To understand how ethical dilemmas arise in social work practice, this essay will apply agency policy and law to a case study. old salt is a 62yr old white man who l ives alone in a privately rented flat Jack has asked if his carer could punt him to visit a paid prostitute as part of his assessed care plan paid for by public funds. The first thing to interpret is whether any laws or agency policies will be broken. The tangible act of visiting a prostitute is not felonious (GOV.UK 2014). The second examination to ask is whether topical anesthetic ascendancy procedures allow for the recompense of a prostitute. good users receive direct payments, this can be spent on personal care, social activities, respite care and may vary from one topical anesthetic authority to another (Royal Borough of Greenwich, 2014). So the local authoritys payment would likely cover Jacks suggestion. The local authority withal has a legal duty of care to make sure Jack is not financially exploited (The National Archives, 2014). A social worker has to support Jacks autonomy, even if this puts him in danger (Parrott, 2011, p.90). Jack has dumbfound socially isola ted because of his disabilities and it is the social workers responsibility to promote social cellular inclusion (hcpc, 2012). In contrast even though its not illegal to visit a prostitute there are many laws, professional codes of ethics and personal values against actions involving Jack with prostitution. This is especially relevant to Jack as he has already been warned by the police not to farm involved sexually with any underage woman. This causes an ethical dilemma (Banks, 2006, p.12), amid promoting Jacks autonomy and defend Jacks welfare (BASW, 2014). Whilst the local authoritys payment would likely cover Jacks suggestion, this put away could cause an ethical dilemma, between the public generally thinking its wrong to use public money visit a prostitute, and the local authority who needs to promote Jacks inclusion in society. as well as the actual interaction with the prostitute is beyond the help of a social worker and proposes health risks. Several ethical dilemmas hav e developed (Banks, 2006, p.14).Whenever a social worker is faced with risk, they would perform a risk judging (, 2010). The risk opinion would weigh up the consequences for and against supporting Jack. The social worker could use an ethical framework to assist decision making for example, Lowenberg and Dolgoffs, (2005) honorable Principles Screen, which attempts to put ethical principles in order of importance (Lowenberg and Dolgoffs cited in, training Portal, 2013). The social worker would start by examining the risks of not supporting Jack through applying the human rights acts and any other laws. Jacks right to liberty and warrantor would be affected, Article 5 it would also affect his right to the forbidding of discrimination, Article 14 and the right to private and family life, Article 8 (GOV.UK 2014). This would lead to the social worker get goinging to uphold the Equality Act 2010 (, 2010) and the local anaesthetic authority would fail in its duty of care ( 2010).The social worker would then apply professional codes of practice and would be helplessness in, oblige five of the hcpc, be aware of the impact of culture, equality and diversity, this is because of Jacks disabilities and a social worker should promote equality for example, equal access to society. The social worker would fail to adhere to article six of the hcpc, also fail to practise in a non-discriminatory manner (hcpc, 2012), this is because the social worker would be withholding funds, not letting him make his own choices, and also passing his access to society (hcpc, 2012).The social worker would also apply the British intimacy of kind Workers codes of ethics (BASW, 2014), for example, BASW outline that all social workers should comply human rights and be committed to promoting social justice (BASW 2014). Under BASW the social worker would be compromising values and ethical principles, through failing to uphold and pr omote human dignity and well-being, respecting the right to self-determination, promoting the right to partnership and treating each person as a whole. A social worker is also expected to promote social justice and would be failing in challenging discrimination, distributing resource and recognising diversity (BASW 2014).The social worker would then explore the risks of supporting Jack. For instance this course of action could result in a public moral outcry. This is because there have been several media campaigns, to bank check local authorities from using public money for prostitutes (Donnelly, Howie, Leach, 2010). Social workers have a duty to protect the reputation of the profession through the British association of social workers (BASW, 2014). Many of the human rights above are not absolute rights they are qualified rights and in certain circumstances can be broken, for example when protecting public health or when protecting other peoples human rights. This is evident with Jack potentially taking favour of a vulnerable person (prostitute) (SHRC, 2014).By applying utilitarianism to the assessment above the supposition would suggest finding all the different courses of action available. Second would be to calculate all the positives and negatives that can result from these actions and third this theory suggests to choose the course of action that produces the most benefits and the least distress for all involved (Parrott, 2011, p.54). Supporting Jack would enclose for his financial risk, cut the risk committing an offence, and reduce many of the health risks involved with visiting a prostitute. Also the social worker could make sure the prostitute was making an claimed choice (HCPC, 2014). Over all the risk assessment would support Jack, but as mentioned above, the social worker is left with an imperfect process and the inevitable undesirable effects. But because a risk assessment isnt an exact science there are additional ways to datarm social work practice (Banks, 2006, p.25).The decision to support Jack could agree the social workers personal values causing an ethical dilemma between personal values and supporting Jack. The social worker could support the idea that Jack should not just seek pleasure. The social worker would be applying virtues ethics (Banks, 2009, pp.38-49), because this ethical theory is more interested with character not actions. This theory suggests the individual should avoid extremes, this is not to say Jack should not want sex, it just should not come ahead everything else (Parrott, 2011, p.58). The social worker could also incorporate Kants deontological theory. This is an absolutist theory which argues once something is wrong its always wrong, for instance, you should not take advantage of a vulnerable person (Parrott, 2011, p.54). This theory is linked to duty. This is called the categorical unequivocal that indicates we should only conform to an action, when it can be utilise to the rest o f the world, for instance, if one person lies the rest of the world can lie, this would produce mistrust throughout society. So lying cannot be applied to society universally (Banks, 2006, pp.29-30). In addition there is the concept of reversal, for example, if you were vulnerable would you like someone to take advantage of you? If not, then you shouldnt do it to anyone else (Parrott, 2011, pp.50-51).The social worker could use the theories above to propose a peeled course of action ground on personal values, in accordance with the law and the professional code of ethics (HCPC, 2014). This course of action would offer a viable alternative. If Jack refused, new ethical dilemmas would arise, similar to the ones discussed above (The National Archives, 2014). This action would limit the risk above and solve most of the ethical dilemmas. For example, one of BASW ethical principles is to identify and develop strengths (BASW, 2014). Jack could be introduced to a wider network of friends, enable him to find what he needs through clubs, hobbies and dating agencies etc. The consequences of this action is time related, it could take some time for Jack to fulfil his needs. The actual implementation of the action would be governed by utilitarianism, most benefits and the least constipation for all involved (Mill, 2004).This paper has shown how ethical dilemmas can arise through agency policy, law, professional ethics and personal values. The paper then applied agency policy and law to a case study to show how ethical dilemmas arise in social work practice, by exposing ethical dilemmas between promoting the welfare of the service user verses promoting the service users right to make their own decisions. The paper proceeded to assess the risk of both courses of action by using theories of ethics through, utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics this led to explore a more viable solution, through personal values, resulting in a new course of action. The paper can conc lude that an ethical dilemma results from foreign laws, agency policies and personal values, to address these issues a social worker will combine several different ethical theories, with this becoming a mechanised matter for some, informed by personal values for others and sometimes assortment of both. 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